C- 2/1, Mahakal Vanijya Kendra, Nanakheda, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh

Pediatric Dentistry

As child dental needs & its management is different from that of an adult, PEDIATRIC Dentistry comes to rescue.  In common language, it is known and Kids Dentistry. In India, 80% of the kids are affected by dental problems and don’t get a proper line of treatment. If your kids are having any dental problems or just want to get a check on their dental health status we are here to help in Ujjain at Niramaya Multispeciality Dental Hospital.

Kids have only Milk teeth till 7-8 years of age. From 8 to 12 years children have both milk teeth & permanent teeth are present together in mouth known as mixed dentition. Mostly 12 Years of age onwards only permanent dentition is present. At different ages, all the dentitions are important for chewing food and overall systemic health. When your kid’s oral health is maintained his overall habits and systemic issues are reduced automatically. That is why regular dental check up for children is mandatory.

Dental treatment for Kids

1. Pulpotomy/pulpectomy:

When kid complains of severe dental pain, some bleeding or swelling around any milk tooth, it is a positive sign that the particular tooth is decayed or damaged. In either case that milk tooth can be treated by pulpotomy or pulpectomy. In simple words, a very common treatment done in adults to save any infected or decayed tooth is root canal treatment, in kids the same procedure can be regarded as pulpotomy/pulpectomy. It is very important that kid’s first visit to dentist should always be fun & friendly. As we say “The first impression is the last impression” holds the same for the kid visiting first time to a dental clinic. If in very first visit kid is exposed to dental treatment like LA injection or cavity drilling he might label visit to dentist as fear and will always be afraid to visit a dentist in future. So we make sure that first dental visit of kid to dentist is always pleasant and thus avoid any invasive dental procedure in very first visit. The required treatment is completed in follow up visits.   


2. Crowns:

After pulpectomy, Crowns can be given to the tooth to maintain the milk tooth strength till the permanent tooth erupts. Crowns are usually two types: SS Crowns and Zirconia crowns. SS crowns are given on posterior teeth and Zirconia crowns are given on front teeth. Zirconia crowns are good in aesthetics and SS crowns have a metal appearance. Crowns are pasted on the tooth surface and once the permanent tooth start coming in its place the milk tooth and its crown comes out automatically or can be removed by dentist.


3. Dental Caries:

Dental caries is the most common & neglected dental problem in kids. Usually can be seen as a blackish discoloration or spot on the tooth surface. Especially front teeth show a “C” shape cavity from both sides due to dental. These cavities are sometimes painful and mostly are asymptomatic with no sign, so we neglect it. Thus regular dental checkup for kids is mandatory.


4. Orthodontic treatment:

Orthodontic treatment broadly includes correction of skeletal discrepancies & correction of dental irregularities. During the growing age form 6-12 years if any irregularity is noticed in child like:-

  1. Large upper front teeth,
  2. Upper jaw/ teeth placed too forward,
  3. Lower jaw placed too backward or forward, ,
  4. Child having thumb sucking habit at this age also,
  5. Child unable to bite or chew properly.

In addition to above issues if any other skeletal or dental abnormality present in this age group is altering the facial look of child, you must consult Dr Animesh Pandit (MDS, Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics) our orthodontist. If any skeletal issue is diagnosed in child at early age it can rectified by various orthodontic appliance during growth phase only so that the child can be saved from more complicated orthodontic or orthognathic surgical treatment in future. Once the child crosses the age of 13-14 Years and all permanent teeth have erupted orthodontic braces treatment can be done. For more information on orthodontic treatment in children and adults please visit our webpage’s Orthodontic treatment section.


5.  Pit and Fissure Sealants:

It is a special curing gel applied to the surface of the teeth in kids with more tendency of tooth decay. It prevents teeth from dental cavities, gives a smooth surface to teeth, and prevents plaque accumulation as well. Sealants may last for years and protect the tooth surface. It is recommended by us only in children with high risk of dental decay or caries.


6. Fluoride Varnish:

Fluoride varnishes are very safe and applied to teeth in minimum quantity to protect the teeth from cavities and decay. Fluoride varnish is painted on the top and sides of each tooth with a small brush. It is sticky but hardens once it comes in contact with saliva. Child may feel the hardened varnish with his tongue but will not be able to lick the varnish off. It does not hurt when the varnish is applied. Fortunately, brushing on the varnish takes only a few minutes.


7. Extractions & Space Maintainers:

Retained deciduous or deeply carious teeth which cannot be saved are extracted. If a deciduous tooth is extracted too early from its natural exfoliation period a space maintainer is provided by our Orthodontist in Ujjain. Space maintainer maintains the adequate space required by permanent teeth to erupt in future without any shortage of space for it.



Steps to good dental health include:

  • Right eating habits
  • Regular brushing and flossing
  • Regular care by a dentist trained to treat young children
  • Regular dental check-ups
  • Right dental care for your child by specialist

So don’t ignore any dental issue of your child. Bring them to us and our specialist dentist at Niramaya Multispeciality Dental Hospital, Ujjain will make sure to provide the best dental education & treatment to your young ones.

Book an appointment with us today,

Call: +91-759-766-7777

Niramaya: Multispeciality Dental Hospital, Ujjain